
Finding resources to fit your child's and family's needs are always a plus.  I created this page to share different types of resources that are/were helpful to our family and may be helpful to your family as well.

* FINANCIAL:     Check with your state to apply for their PUNS program and/or Waiver program.  Depending on the state you live in, there may be a waiting list.  No matter, keep on applying and if you are on the waiting list keep FOLLOWING UP because these programs can help cover costs for services such as therapies, medical, medications, in home support care, respite care, therapeutic sensory items such as mini trampoline, body roller, therapy swings, velcro vests etc.  These financial programs are especially helpful when insurance plans don't cover these types of services or if you are maxed out on your insurance plan's limitations.

* EARLY INTERVENTION:     Check with your state for their Early Intervention program.  You may qualify to receive home/outside therapies for your child such as speech, occupational, developmental, feeding therapy, etc.  Illinois for example has Early Intervention program free up until age 3.  Check with your state to find out what services are available and to what age.  And if your child is past their Early Intervention program ask them what are the next steps you could take.  They may have other programs to fit your child needs.

* EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION:     Check with your school district as well as surrounding locations for enrolling your child in Early Childhood Education.  This is where your child's IEP might officially begin (as did for my boys).


    If you are in need of resources for any of the below topics, message me through my “Contact Me” page for FREE Resource Lists:

    * Sleeping Through The Night

    RPM – Rapid Prompting Method Communication Skills Program

    Bio-Medical Facilities

    Therapeutic Day Schools

    Therapy Centers For: ST/OT/Developmental/ABA/Feeding/Social Emotional/Handwriting Respite/PSW Support, DIR/FloorTime

    Special Education Rights & Laws

    Special Olympics

    Financial Resources & Service Providers For PUNs / Waivers / Child & Family Connections